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Candle Colors

It has been known since the earliest of times that human beings have certain responses to various scents and colors, as well as to fire. These responses are incorporated into Fire Rituals and Candle Magick.

According to Tradition, the candles should be chosen for their special colors and they should be dressed or anointed prior to use with an appropriate Oil, all of which are calculated to bring about a specific response.

Commercially scented candles should be avoided since many of the scents that are used are synthetic or might not really match the purpose of your Ritual or bring about the response needed.

It is thought that beeswax candles are the most desirable for Magickal Works, Rituals, etc. As everyone knows, however, beeswax candles tend to be somewhat expensive and sometimes harder to find than regular candles. Therefore, regular candles are sufficient.

The primary reason beeswax candles were traditionally required was that in earlier times there were only two types of candles: beeswax and those made from animal fats. Since it would not be appropriate to use animal fat candles, the beeswax tradition began. Now, most regular candles are made from petroleum bases and can be safely used.

In general, the meaning of the candle colors are as follows. Although there is not any really widespread consensus on the colors, this list represents a relatively comprehensive discussion of the generally agreed upon attributes.




White is the color of peace, serenity and purity. Any ritual should have at least one white candle, preferably two white candles incorporated within it to set a positive area.




Black is the color of negative influences and death. Generally, this color is used to Return to Sender or used very carefully as a Capricorn or Saturn candle.




Blue is for protection and some spiritual matters. This is also the color for peace and this tends to bring tranquillity and calmness to an area.




Red is for strength, energy, sex and anger. Some people also use it as a color for love, but this relates more to the sexual aspect.




Pink is the color of friendship, harmony, balance, and platonic love. It is therefore romantic and creates a warm and hospitable area.




Yellow is the color of healing, happiness and well-being. It is frequently used to dispel depression.




Gold is the color of personal success and good luck.




Green is the color of new beginnings, fertility, abundance, money, and regeneration.




Brown is the color of the Earth, of the home and hearth. It is frequently used to bring positive conditions into the home and to give strength to material goals.




Orange is the color of attraction and for drawing things. It is also used to bind a work. This is used also for vitality and for healing from a broken love affair.




Lavender is the color of spirituality and power of a more mystical nature. It is often used in meditation.




Purple is the color of the astral realms. It can be used along with any other color for whatever type of work you are doing to give additional power and strength.




Gray is the color for overcoming adversity. It can be used in the place of black in many cases.

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